Speakers Bureau

The FEN Speakers Bureau service is available throughout the U.S. When your event is reviewed and approved, FEN can help with publicity for the event, send one of our volunteer speakers to your location, coordinate travel and lodging, and furnish handouts and brochures. There is no charge for this service. However, if your organization can provide an honorarium or donation, we would greatly appreciate the support of our work.

Your organization will need to procure the venue, set the time, and advertise within your organization and your community.

Our topics range from:

    • The ethical/moral right to end life on one’s own terms.
    • The challenge of achieving a “good death” given the realities of modern medical technologies and systems.
    • The importance of planning in order to defend one’s end-of-life options and rights.
    • The national movement to pass physician aid-in dying-laws, and compassion for those who face intolerable suffering but are excluded by the provisions of these laws.
    • The need for special advance directives in cases of dementia.
    • The difference between suicide and rational self-deliverance.
    • The key role of an effective end-of-life healthcare representative (medical power of attorney).
    • Resources for defending your end-of-life choices.

You may also propose a topic for one of our speakers.

Request A Speaker For Your Group

    Will this be a Zoom event or will it be in person? *

    If our speaker is not yet ready for an in-person event, are you open to using Zoom? *

    If this will be a Zoom event, is your organization able to host? *

    Potential Date - 1st Preference *

    Potential Date - 2nd Preference *

    Potential Date - 3rd Preference *

    Time of event *

    Size of Audience *
