Healthcare Representatives

Your healthcare representative and your backup representative are the people you appoint to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself. This could be a short-term situation, such as temporary unconsciousness or being under anesthesia or it could be long term, such as the loss of competence due to dementia. Different US states use different terminology for describing a healthcare representative, such as healthcare power of attorney (POA), agent, surrogate, or proxy, but the basic idea is the same.

Appointing a healthcare representative is extremely important. The National Institute on Aging (part of the National Institute of Health) has good information on the role of a healthcare representative.

The form to appoint your healthcare representative is typically included with your state’s advance directive form. provides state-specific forms you can download.

Your closest loved one is not always the best choice for this responsibility. This chart from the American Bar Association can help you evaluate who might be a good healthcare representative for you.

Being a Healthcare Representative

Making medical decisions for another person is challenging. Here is an excellent guide to a healthcare representative’s responsibilities and authorities. Be aware, this website is a business; we don’t know anything about their product, we just like the information.

Hiring a Healthcare Representative

In the modern world, families are scattered across the globe and if you live long enough, many of your family members and friends may have died or be elderly or infirm themselves. If you don’t have someone you can ask to be your healthcare representative, there are a few options for hiring someone to be your healthcare representative.

You can hire a professional fiduciary to be your healthcare representative. Fiduciaries may be licensed in some states and not in others, but, regardless, they have an ethical and legal obligation to act in your best interest. When searching for a fiduciary, the search results tend to show financial fiduciaries, but these individuals may also be willing to serve as a healthcare representative, so call to find out.

The following organizations provide directories of members who are professionals and will charge a fee. Be aware that, though similar, healthcare advocates and healthcare representatives are different roles, so the individuals listed may not be willing to serve as a healthcare representative. Be sure you and the person you may hire both have a clear understanding of the service you need, the fees, and how they will be charged.

The following organizations also have directories that might be helpful:

While outside the scope of what death doulas typically do, you may be able to hire a doula. These organizations have directories: